
Guide - Summon.AI

I. Generate/Variants/Edit

1. Get a DALL-E-2 token

You can get a DALL-E-2 token by creating an account with OpenAI DALL-E 2.

If you used ChatGPT in the past you can use the same account.

Go to Account/API Keys and create a new secret key.

2. Add the token to settings

While using any of the Summon AI tools, go to the settings tab and paste the token in the DALL-E-2 field.

You can also add the token directly in any of the 3 forms and it will be instantly saved in local storage.

II. OpenJourney/Upscale/Restore

1. Create an account

You can create an account with Figma in 2 clicks here

You'll be redirected to the account page where you can copy the SummonAI token.

P.S.:You can level up your generations with the pro plan for only $2.49 a month (less than a Starbucks cup of coffee).

2. Add the token to settings

While using any of the Summon AI PRO command or the other tools, go to the settings tab and paste the token in the SummonAI field.